
Mt. Moriah Outreach Center

Thanks for visiting Mt. Moriah Outreach Center on the web. We are delighted that you've taken an interest in our ministry. Our Pastor, Bishop Todd Lamont Fulton and First Lady Judith Fulton wish to extend a heartfelt welcome to you and your family. When you are in the Piedmont Triad Area, please feel free to come fellowship and worship with us. May you and your family continue to be richly blessed.

The mission of Mt. Moriah Outreach Center is to Seek, Save and Serve. We encourage you to seek to know the Lord in His fullness, for it is in His fullness that we are saved from sin. Being saved, we go forth to serve the body of Christ as commissioned in Matthew 28:19...

January 4th launched Women’s and Men’s Bible study on the Upper and Lower levels of our church. The men will be instructed by Elder Darris Little in the lower level and the women will be instructed by our very own, Deacon Brenda Little. Men and Women's Bible Study will take place the 1st Saturday of each month from 11:00-12:00pm. We look forward to spending time in the Word with the Lord. January 6th launched Monday Morning Prayer from 7:00am until 7:30am. The time has been strategically scheduled to not interfere with work hours. This is a recurring event and Zoom info is on the Home page of this website. Please contact Deacon Davis or Deacon Ingram on the Communincation Team for any additional announcements.

Message From The Pastor 

Bishop Todd L. Fulton, Sr. Pastor & Founder


Daily Bible Verse


Worship With Us

we're created for worship

Bishop Todd and First Lady Fulton welcome you to Mt. Moriah Outreach Center on the web. It is our prayer that you receive just what you need from the Lord. Feel free to worship with us anytime.


Fellowship With Us

bonding in God's love

We as Christians share a bond with Christ that unites us in a profound and eternal relationship of love that should express itself in joyful and affectionate service to for each other’s good.


Serve With Us

serving the Kingdom of God

Give of yourself, time and talents with a happy and loving heart! It is then that we realize how our actions truly imitate Christ! God will bless you with a rewarding sense of fulfillment that comes from serving Him through serving others.


Pray With Us

communion with God

Prayer is communion with God. It's the act of going into God’s presence to be with the Lord. It brings God and His resources into our earthly realities and draws upon divine resources to influence human reality. Prayer is the master key to our calling.
